1.) "I got mine" Guy: You scored 18 points and had 12 rebounds. You dominated both ends of the floor every possession. Your team lost by 9. You should be proud of your performance, and you can bet your coach noticed. What you should not be doing is caring more about that stat line than you do about the final score. Basketball is a team game. It is not about you. No one in that locker room wants to see a teammate who is thrilled with his own game after a loss. Remember that you will have bad games during a win as well. Are you going to go pout? Put a towel over your head? If you show your coaches and your team mates that you don't really care about them, they will have no reason to care about you.
2.) Always last Guy: Practice starts at 10. You show up in the gym with shoes untied at 9:57. Bus leaves at 4. You pull in and run to your locker at 3:55. Film room at 3:15? You show up at 3:14. Never late, but always last. Mean it or not, you are projecting an image of "I don't want to waste any of my time", and "I don't want to be here". Weather and parent schedules will cause some inevitable delays, but when you are ALWAYS last, there is a problem. Be early, be prepared, spend time with your teammates.
3.) Cruise control Guy: If you are not playing as hard as you can all the time, I promise you your coaches are noticing. Other players and fans won't see it, but coaches will. It is about living up to your potential.
Much is expected from those to whom much was given.You should never take plays off. Don't finish 4th in a sprint when you could finish 3rd. Don't lose by 10, when you could have lost by 7. Maximum effort all the time. Everyone gets tired. Fight through it or get out and take a break. Do not rest on the floor just because you are good enough to get away with it. No matter how much you play, everyone wants to play more. You earn your time through your effort.
4.) Mom Guy: This one is simple. When you are sick, call or text your coach. When you are going on vacation, go tell your coach early, and remind him again a few days before. Wedding? Funeral? ACT test? Communicate directly with your coach. You are a young adult. It is your responsibility to let people know about schedule conflicts. It is not the responsibility of your mom. Don't depend on her to ask questions or exchange information. You make sure your parents have what they need and your coaches have what they need. "I don't know" and "I'm not sure" are not answers that mature players give. Man Up.
5.) Hide in the corner Guy: You want your coaches to notice you? Then stop hiding. You don't rotate into the drills unless someone tells you. You always try to guard the least talented player. You do not want the ball when the game is close. You never speak up to help a teammate or diffuse any situations. In short, you are always hiding in the corner. Good players don't hide, they challenge themselves. Try to jump in every drill. Never want to leave the floor. Put in extra work. You spend all this time in the gym because you love it. Don't waste your chance to compete.
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