Saturday, October 24, 2015

What is in YOUR gym bag?

  • Shoes?.....check.
  • Lucky Socks?.....check.
  • Favorite Shorts?.....check.
  • Practice Jersey?......check.

This is my second favorite time of the year (March is first), and I am happy for all of my friends who coach and play this great game who get to head into the gym again.
As you get set to head back to practice and prepare for another season, you are no doubt excited and trying to be ready.  I remember the joy of packing and often repacking my gym bag in the days leading up to that first practice.  I have often said "every team in Ohio has a good first practice....good teams can do it every day". I admit that isn't 100% true, but it does point to a universal truth: Those who prepare better often perform better. That means having good practices on snow days, late on Friday after a long week, and early the next Saturday morning.

Remembering to pack all of the things on the list above is important, but sometimes you mistakenly bring other things with you that keep you and your team from achieving at your highest levels. Here is my list of what NOT to bring to practice:

  1. Don't bring your girlfriend.  I know your relationship is important to you.  It just doesn't need to affect the team.  Your teammates are counting on you to put forth a good effort.  You can finish the fight, or the apology, or the plans for the dance later.
  2. Don't bring your math test.  Don't fail practice because you failed math.  I teach math, and it IS more important than basketball, but you cannot fix it now.  Rethink your study habits, make a better plan, and move forward.  Do not turn one F into two.
  3. Don't bring your parents.  They are wired to want to protect YOU and want what is best for YOU.  It is very hard for them to turn that off and think about what is best for the TEAM.  Do not let the things they may say or feel about your team, coach, or teammates change the way you approach the game.  Read my earlier posts about being a good teammate. It is not about you.  
  4. Don't bring yesterday's bad practice.  Same idea as the math test.  What is done, is done.  You control two things at ALL times: your attitude and your effort.  Coaches will be watching to see if you can "bounce back".  Stay positive and give great effort.
  5. Don't bring tomorrow's big game.  Everyone gets nervous and everyone gets excited. There is plenty of time for that later.  Block it out and prepare.  Better yet, acknowledge the excitement and use it as motivation to prepare better.

You see the theme, right? You get to be in the gym about two hours a day. You are lucky enough to be doing one of the things you really enjoy. Do not poison that time because you are upset by something else. Not only will a good, physical workout help your team, it will help you clear your head. Stress releases chemicals in your body that physical activity neutralizes. It is not that you feel better, it is that you actually ARE better.

So pack your bag carefully each day. Bring what you really need and leave behind everything you don't.

Have a great first day and a great year.

P.S.--don't pack a shooting sleeve either...they look stupid...just sayin'...